Friday, December 31, 2010

Two Quarters

What if we ain't no parts of a whole?
Just two quarters striving to make a half?
Maybe i need a 75% to make me complete.
And so do you.

If there's ever a reason to be together maybe it has nothing to do with completeness.
Maybe we are just meant to make each other happy.
Maybe you just have a smile that makes me light up inside.
Maybe i just get happy sitting across a table from you.
Two cups of coffee in-between.

But i can't beat this thought of so many components building up my happiness.
That you have to be composed of a symphony to bring harmony to me.
But the thing about life is we know it before we understand it.
The math and science comes later.
So maybe two quarters is enough of a whole to make me happy.


ashley. said...

i think it's more like this:

both are 100% initially - fulfilled & content & accepting of their situation, whatever that may be. but when the two 100%'s conflate, they lose themselves in each other. bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh. & it becomes more than you ever could have imagined.

never settle for less! there is more!

i think.. or perhaps i'm just too idealistic!

Unknown said...

I'm thinking that marriage is less about being happy, and more about other things. It would be hard for me to explain this as I would to you, maybe three years ago, but maybe it's worth it to go ahead. I have been thinking (and I've heard others say) what if marriage isn't about being happy, but being holy. If two people are proximal, intimate, sharing everything, then who else to make you better, point out your faults (gracefully), encourage you to do the right thing, and in all of that, make you whole in the sense that you both are pursuing a "shalom" with God and each other.

To me, that sounds like happiness in a way that exceeds much of what I had previous thought I wanted in a marriage relationship. To me, that sounds beautiful.

Unknown said...

(also, I'm not sure where to reply to you regarding my post - you'll only receive a notification here, but it's not as seamless and easy to follow if I post it here).

Anyway, I am not madly in love with someone! Haha, maybe I'm madly in love with the though to of love, even risking naivety and idealism. But anyway, I've been thinking about what you said a long time ago about liking an idea of someone, instead of that someone directly.

I think I'm going to have a conversation about this with that previously mentioned someone.