Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Told You So

I feel this is something God could repeat very often.

"Talented with reason, i cover all the angles.  I can fail before i ever try."

It seems God gave us the gift of foresight.  We can take memories of the past to conjur up possible outcomes for situations of the future.  Theoretically we can make the best of any situation if we just think things through before acting.  Yet we still fail.

I suppose this could be contributed to the fact that we come upon new situations that seem unfamiliar to us and make wrong dicisions.  But God also gave us the ability to learn from others.  People have gone before us and made the wrong decisions.  They tell us in illaborate ways not to play with fire, to wash our hands before eating, to just say no.  Yet we still fail.

So we make mistakes.  It is okay.  Very few are lethal.  We live on to make the right decision the next time around.  Encountering the same thing we did at some point in the past our minds return to the situation and let us know of how things will most likely turn out.  We have the power to course correct.  Yet we still fail.

And this i don't understand.  Why do we continue to fail?  Why do i continue to fall short?  I suppose all i can do is continue to love God for the grace he lavishly pours out on us.  And pray that next time, maybe, just maybe, the next time i won't fail again.



Unknown said...

It's funny because we never hear Him say that. It's like that one relient k song that i really don't like, except for this one part:

When I got tired of running from you
I stopped right there to catch my breath
There your words they caught my ears
You said, “I miss you son. Come home”
And my sins, they watched me leave
And in my heart I so believed
The love you felt for me was mine
The love I’d wished for all this time
And when the doors were closed
I heard no I told so’s
I said the words I knew you knew
Oh God, Oh God I needed you
God all this time I needed you, I needed you

-i seriously always just skip to that part over and over again.

and i have great faith in the Lord in you in this season. for it by His spirit that you are 'Kev the Faithful' in my phonebook. Let's do it.

also too, replying to your comment about my marrying my future. you guys are my future, along with chinese waters and wives (singular for the both of us - PLEASE GOD) and many different things.

you guys are never leaving me. ever. haha

ashley. said...

oh God yes!