Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Coffee. Espresso. Yum.

I have tried beer and wine. Seriously TRIED. And found wanting.

Liqueurs are good for the first, and second sips, but overpower by the third.

Cocktails. Now. Cocktails i can kind of do. But do not find very enjoyable. I would rather just the coke, minus the rum.

But coffee? O sweet sensational coffee. How you tease and tingle my taste buds. Delight my olfactory. How i love you. As you steep and simmer. Sit and soak. Diffusing and departing in to the steaming, sizzling, smooth water. You have no carbs. Just caffein. But i can deal. I am not obsessed. I do not crave. Do not get migraines when you are far found.

And so it is with you i settle. With you i will sip as i sit. Blissfully banter, converse with cohorts.

For you delight me. Save me the trouble of seductive sugars. Sweets that tantalize and tease, but ultimate lust to level, destroy and down. Cure my wanting with liquid perfection.

You and tea... O. Tea!


asdf said...

So I'm proposing that you had all of these drinks: the beer and wine, the liqueur, cocktails and then a quick lather and rinse in espresso while sampling new Via Italian roast - which is supposedly the favored one - just prior to writing this new post.

It has that sort of drunken medieval cult film prose sound to it!

I do believe you convey the wonder and joy of our beloved coffee quite precisely.

But overall, I'm glad you did post. Let's shakedown this hiatus.

(anyone catch that reference??)

Suz said...

I just drank two cups of coffee! Huzzah! While I cannot share your sentiments about booze, I will agree that coffee is amazing.

Unknown said...

dear kevin,
hello. you have a blog! oh happy day. you and landon and suzie, too. wow, i'm glad we're all here. i'm commenting on this post because i was hoping you would mention tea. i could do tea all day long. red tea latte, preferably. great blog, you're really thoughtful. good to see you.