Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I have heard it said that anticipation is healthy.  That you feel great happiness in anticipation of things to come.  Sometimes more so than the actual event.  I can perceive this in my life.

Right now I eagerly await the arrival of my family driving up from Arizona.  They should be here any minute.  To see the house I now call home.  To see the restaurant I now call work.  Things it would seem my family should be familiar with.  Things I would like to share with them.

I also feel elated from the first prospect of meeting a girl who is a complete stranger to me and almost (Mr. Can't Closerton) getting her number.  I very well could have.  But now there is the prospect of her returning to my restaurant where we met.  In which case I shall not fail again!

Either way.  The thought that I can pull off flirting with a girl is exciting.  Something that comes natural for most males.  And it is also exciting to know that maybe a new relationship is just around the corner.

So I am excited for things to come.  Excited to head up to Vail with my family shortly.  Excited to snowboard.  Excited to eat lots of great food and drink lots of great drinks.  And even though the future remains uncertain.  It makes me happy to think of it.

1 comment:

asdf said...

I can totally identify with you, in that sometimes the anticipation of an event is much more grand, feels much more holy than the event itself. I experienced this during Thanksgiving with my extended family, and am preparing myself for a similar feeling during Christmas.

I wonder how your family visit went. Must of been great! How nice to get to share with them. Tell me about it later.

Also, I'm looking forward to hear if there have been any developments with that girl. I, myself, have much much much to update you on. Looking forward to talking with you soon.