Monday, July 16, 2007

Constant Renewal

I have been thinking a lot about a lot recently...and i think i came up with a thesis for my Doctorate...haha.

I was talking to my mom about leaving Hawaii recently and i was trying to convey my feelings on the matter...and this kind of relates to my last post...about excitement for new things and how it cancels out the hurt of loosing the old. And it got me to thinking about change, and how humans deal with change.

It seems we as humans like new things, yet at the same time we like consistency. We like to know we have security in a house, yet we like new houses, and new things in our houses. But even apart from superficial things i have noticed this. We (or most people at least) like making new friends, but just as long as we can hold on to those friendships. People don't go around making new friends everyday and dumping the old ones, we appreciate longevity in our relationships. So it is hard for us to break old ties.

Yet this idea of consistency with change also carries over in to the natural world. Nature is always changing, the sunset is always different, yet there are always the same components at play. Such as the sun and the sky and the horiz
on. A forest might burn down and re-grow, having a new geographical lay out, but it is mostly the same none the have trees, and animals, and bugs, and birds, and goes on. Also the same can be said about humans. We are all made up of the same components, each with a nose, eyes, mouth, etc. (you don't have the occasional person popping out wings or a 6th sensing article), but not one in 6 billion looks exactly the same.

I then carried this on even further. I connected it to some of the thoughts i had on time. Time is always moving forward, so the future is always ahead of us, the present is always escaping us, and the past is always behind us. It almost seems as if there really isn't a "now" to speak of, because as soon as you speak is gone. Time is always there, and yet it is always changing.

And what does this all mean? The fact that we are always experiencing newness and yet always holding on to the same things? And it seems that this is like God. God is the same yesterday, today and forever, we have all heard that a million times. God is a constant in our lives. We know we can turn to Him in a time of need and he will be there, always loving, and never failing in that love. Yet, we seem to always be learning more and more about God's character. The God i seemed to know 5 years ago is almost not the same God i know today, but He is. And i think this is where it comes from, this theory of constant renewal, it comes from God. It is like a part of God's character. God remains the same, but he is so vast that we can only get little glimpses of him at a time. Little shiny sparks of love and life, light particles from a
beautiful God that will forever amaze us. Yet he has been there all along, waiting for us to witness Him, and it is just that we are tiny little humans, who don't understand the world, and though we try our hardest, it seems we will always be nothing but children, playing in the creation that surrounds us.


Unknown said...

kev, what's super trippy is that i saw that picture you have today as i was going through flickr. it kind of creeped me out!

i'm glad it seems like you out there in AZ is giving you an excellent time to really ponder Light, God and beauty on the open road.

haha, i'll talk to you soon.

John said...

Yeah, there's that glimpse of a perfect morning, a bit when The Boy smiles, and then I see the perfection that God gives us. I recently figured it out, in that I'll never figure it out.

When I figured out I didn't have it figured out, nor do I have to figure it out, well, then I figure I had it figured.

So to speak.

Unknown said...

haha, that's what i thought, but i went back to the flickr page and it was a different one. it prolly refreshes or something every so often.

-i do not exist- i thought that everyone would laugh or get confused and throw up. haha.

i got your post card today! my family reads everything that comes in, haha so next time write about suicide bombing or steaming someones face off. that should be good.

Unknown said...

I will call you again soon to tell you about the classes I signed up for!

ashley. said...

i'm gonna send your letter tomorrow.

i lost 18 pounds.

Unknown said...

she's not lying! i lost 5lbs, haha. So you're back from grannyz?