Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Humans are selfish...and i think my main struggle in life will be to live as much for others as possible...and less for myself...right now i give myself a D-. Mainly with how i seek self-gratification and how i treat my family. Lord, please help me.

Now read about my life and comment so i feel good...

I just found out where i am going to be living for this up and coming semester (possibly longer). It is about a mile from my school and even closer to the beach. Which is super awesome. I am going to commandeer Alex D.'s roller blades, or buy my own, and become like the guys from Brink and skate down to the skate park by the shore. Even if there isn't one, haha. I will be living with a widow who has a boy about the same age as me, and she will be making my meals too. Her name sounds Mexican, so i am keeping my fingers crossed for Mexican Food!

I am taking:

English 1: 12:45PM-2:05PM Tuesdays and Thursdays
Math 22: 6:45PM-9:50PM Thursdays
Astronomy 1: 2:15PM-3:35PM Tuesdays and Thursdays
Film Studies 2: 1:15PM-5:20PM Mondays (Film Studies 1 was full)

I am excited about my schedule...I'll let you know how much i really like it in about a month and a half. And i am not sure what i am going to do for a job...but it looks like there are a ton of music stores and restaurants in the area, so i think i will look around for something like that.

My next post should be coming soon and i think i will take Landon up on his suggestion. It will be a sort of autobiography on my life in Arizona this summer. Filled with pictures and descriptions. Hopefully it will be epic and entertaining.

I think Santa Monica by Savage Garden will be my new theme song in life...haha.

<- This is a crazy man from either Santa Monica or Venice that some guy took and put up on Flickr...I have heard about the homeless people there and I am really looking forward to meeting some. But don't tell my mom that...


asdf said...

Oh nice! mexican mamax and thangx.
your schedule is cool cause it's kind of concentrated so you have lots of free days. The classes i signed up for are every day except thursday, saturday and sunday. I like it cause all of the work i need to complete will be due in a week or more from the assigned date cause those classes are only once a week!
it was nice talking to you today on the phone and on AIMx.

...love from the deepest valleys that my xheartx can go... xLANDONx


haha, talk to you soon.

ashley. said...

landon's creepy. that is jake's sn.

yessssssss, plz make a blog about santa monica.

i was going to send your letter the other day, but that was shins day i think & that day was epicccccccc.
but i will finish it soon. it has a funny progression, i think you'll enjoy.

Chris Massad said...

kevin! i took your advice and finally made one of these things...i'm glad you finally got your living arrangements set...it sounds like it's going to be pretty good and your schedule doesn't sound that intense so hopefully it allows you to enjoy the beauty of santa monica...anyway, i shall email you soon...love you bro!

ashley. said...

oh well, it's asxrootsxundo i think. hahaha, sameeee thing.

oh & yeah, i totally thought that i said arizona. haha, but yeah, do both! we all should!

i'm house sitting for kilani now. weird.
there's a giant show tonight at DETOXugh & we know you would come if you were here & i miss you.

suz said...

dude, i look forward, oh excuse me, foward, to the day that you rollerblade up to me! i feel you on selfishness, damn human-ness. thanks for the scripture today. btw. i have been working on a blogspot post for a long time but i have yet to finish it. soon!

suz said...

i watched spaceballs today. you can call em whenever toooooo.