Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Familiarities Lost

Familiarities lost
And common happenings gone

Nothing cost
Only in the way a heart would long

Immediacy spent
As dreams pull us apart

Emotionally bent
Yet God will mend the heart

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


suz said...


thats picture is real great. im proud of it. is that coincided? whatever. anyways

this poem is sad. but not too sad. just trueEEE! its weird you write poems, but i like them a lot.

i miss you most for some reason. i think you were a very solid thang for both aley and i, plus you were always down for anything.

asdf said...

i don't blame you

Chris Massad said...

beautiful poem should post more of them!

asdf said...

i was talking to someone about what i felt God was calling me to do in the future and that person asked what you wanted to do, so i said that you wanted to make a documentary about what God is calling me to do. they said that we were destined for each other. oh baby, baby. !