My mom gets offended when i do not read a book she recommends. Or when i do not listen to a recording she likes. I start to feel this way sometimes towards others when they do not take my recommendations. But i realize this is exactly what i do to my mother, and so let it go. Because sometimes you know when God wants you to read something. And also when he doesn't. Landon, you know what i am talking about.
This is how it has been with Velvet Elvis. I have known about the book for years. I have known that it is a good book for years. I even went so far as to purchase it last semester. Yet, i never felt called to read it. Until now. And i must say, this is the time God had for me to read it. They say God cares about the small things in our lives.
I am not very far in. Rob has been talking about trampolines, and springs, and how springs are not like bricks, and how it is not about being in, it is about jumping. And that is one of the things God is giving to me for this time. I have been looking to convert people to Christianity. To a set of rules and beliefs. Instead of inviting them to jump with me. Instead of showing them a backflip, and laughing, and taking them by the hand, and giving them a double bounce that will send them soaring.
The other thing, the thing that i did not understand until now, is about the vastness of God. The sheer limitlessness of His nature. How we can never fully understand Him. How we will never have all the answers. Because there in lies the beauty. It is the fact that God is beyond our understanding. That we can continue to question, and probe, but we will never fully understand.
I use to think that in death, upon my entrance in to heaven, that i would start to understand completely. But this isn't so. We will just be exposed to even more. And begin to question even more. And God will only bounce us a little higher and show us a new trick we haven't seen before. And we will all laugh with delight. But we won't completely get it. Not now. Not then. Not ever.
And that is the key. That is why we love LOST so much. It is the fact that the more you find out, the more you need to know. The more questions you begin to have. The deeper you get pulled in. And the more giddy pleasure you receive.
But for some strange reason LOST tends to frustrate the heck out of me when i think of not knowing all the answers. Of not coming to a solid conclusion in the end. Yet, with God, i am at peace with not having all the answers. I feel like sitting back an smiling. And worshipping Him for all he has done. And for the little i do understand.
It is like i have said before. Paul wrote in contradictions. And this is because we live in a paradox. Our faith is a paradox. And it "is more about celebrating the mystery than conquering it." Or so says Mr. Bell.
I concur. Let's jump.

you know, you got a winterball date with a sprained ankle because of a double bounce. i liked this.
It's funny that we forget that the world we know is upside-down. I am glad that you are venturing further and further into the depths of THE LAWWD. I think that a valid awe-striking question will always be: where will be in a few years?
We might as well be walking on the sun.
yes, excellent analogy.
i thought i commented on this, but i guess not.
noelle & i are so cute all the time, haha.
& yes, it seems we are all short of words lately. my brain's in overdrive or something.
i recommended 'extremely loud & incredibly close' to someone today. haha.
that was some impressive rhyme skills, kev!
i was talking to one of my friends from canada and she called herself "white-chocolate." i laughed and thought of you.
she's really pretty.
let us go down to the river and pray.
I like this.
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