Sunday, November 29, 2009


Where is everyone?!


A Ghost May Come

Elements on my table-
the clock.
All life reduced to this-
its tick.
Dusty's modern lamp,
all shape, space and curve.
Last attempts at speech.
And the carved
serpentine knife of Mexico,
with the childish
eagle head on the handle.

-Allen Ginsberg-

It is funny how we confine time and light to sit idly on our desks. Often forgotten, sitting unused, as we contemplate their meaning. The vast significance of two things that constantly and consistently affect us through all of our...well, moments in time illuminated by light.

I really love the poetry by Allen Ginsberg. The rhythm in the one above is perfect. I am studying. Haha.


asdf said...

I was considering leaving a comment that just said "YOU ARE LOVED," (like the answer to the random question in your profile) however I realized that that kind of response would probably have the opposite effect. So anyway,

Hello Ming,

It is strange that everyone, including myself, has abandoned this blogship. I'm not exactly sure why I did. I don't even know what to write right now.

Do you remember Online Songs by Blink 182? I have been listening to it non-stop lately.

I have a webcam on this computer. Though no one can Skype. I did Skype with Aley the other day, though she couldn't hear me well. So I typed as she spoke and somehow it lost it's novelty. I tried it with Kenny and it worked find. Also with another friend from school and it was too, non-laggy and my voice was clear and coherent.

So maybe it's the Germans.

Sad too, because you probably won't be able to skype when you're out getting public wi-fi - or you could, but it would be horribly awkward and inappropriate!

But, idk. Pastor Mike and I had a conversation the other day. He told that Reading broadens a man, writing makes him precise and speaking makes him ready. He said to me, "Lan, some people are great at math, they become architects, others are good at science, people make a living being carpenters and lawyers, but what we do is communicate. That is what we do. We communicate."

For something, that conversation inspired me more than he'll ever know.

I know that you're having a great time in Denver. I hope that you are being inspired as well. I hope that you are realizing who God wants you to be and are finding means to get there. I believe in you.


asdf said...

When I wrote it down I was thinking about my duplicity. I was reflecting on how I am two people more often than I want to be.

Have you listened to 'It's Getting Easy' by Dear in the Headlights lately? I haven't heard that song in a while, but I think I can relate.

What have you been listening to? How was that Kerouac book?