What I could learn about things like propriety, chivalry, daring. Being a man's man. How to treat a woman.
Mad Men seems to want to show things through the eyes of today, through the eyes of equality between men and women. Making the men of the show out to be bad men...perchance mad men?
And it seems fitting to my modern mind. To think of these men as sleazy, low-browed, controlling, biggity. But maybe it's possible to gleam some things from them as well. To learn confidence. To learn poise. To have a sense of strength I feel a lot of men loose in this modern world.
I would like to believe I strive for a balance of my Grandfather, my Father, and myself. Of the generations before me and mine own. That I can be both strong and reasonable. Treat a woman well not only in material, but also in an emotional sense. Stand up for what's right, yet still yield to what's necessary.
Not sure what about me makes me want to be this kind of man. What message my hormones are shooting through me and what message my childhood spent with my mother is telling me. But this seems appropriate to me. Fitting. Sane. Sound.
Place 1 sugar cube in old fashioned glass and saturate with 2 dashes bitters and a splash of water. Muddle until dissolved. Fill the glass with ice cubes and add 40ml bourbon, scotch or rye whiskey. Garnish with orange slice, lemon twist and two maraschino cherries.