Thursday, August 11, 2011


Looking back on my last few posts i realize i haven't written on here since i got my new job. Heck, i haven't written on here in a while period. So...

I got a new job! I am a bar-back at Euclid Hall Bar & Kitchen. Which is a really rad restaurant in downtown Denver. One of a kind. Great food. Great beer. Great atmosphere. And not to mention i have practically doubled my income. Which is funny, because i am still broke.

Though it is nice. I do go out more. And it has helped me to cover expenses i would have been powerless to cover otherwise. I was digging myself in to some credit card debt i wouldn't have been able to pay off with my Starbucks job. Although i did it knowing i would be making more money soon. But i have also payed off my new computer, and the bill for my stupid ass mistake of driving through a giant puddle and needing to get my car fixed. And i have been able to do small trips, and buy things for said trips.

All in all, i am making more money, and spending more money. Next purchase will hopefully be a nice bike. Followed by a season pass to go snowboarding this winter. Not to mention a work schedule that will allow me to enjoy said pass. For i make enough money and still have a three day weekend every week.

Am i happier? Not necessarily. But that wasn't why i wanted more money. It was so i could afford the things to make me happier.

But i read an interesting article recently. That showed that happiness is hard to attain when happiness is the goal. But one thing it did say is that people are generally happy when pursuing meaningful relationships with others. And i do remember writing a certain post about that being my ultimate goal not too long ago.

And so, to also tie in my brief post right before this one, I'm not too happy right now. Because i am lacking meaningful relationships.

So i need a friend. A "best-friend." A "girlfriend." Landon is still my best friend and we haven't lived in the same vicinity for over 4 years now. Although that might change in a year. I wonder what that says about my friendship making abilities?

I think it says that Landon and i are uniquely related in many ways and perhaps i won't ever find another friend like him. But i need some that at least come close. That aren't females.

And then comes the girlfriend. But i already wrote about that.
At least i can afford one now!

1 comment:

asdf said...

Why hello there! Long time no talk via BS. For some reason my Google Reader hasn't been notifying me of everyone's Blogspot posts. I just bought an iPad 2 - contrary to my comment to you about waiting for the 3 - because, well, I just wanted it, and had a very justifiable reason to get one. Suzie, when you read this, know that I am replacing this as what I would normally use for a laptop, which died a horrible and untimely death. I also love orphans.

So anyway, because of my new iPad, I have this really aesthetically sexy app called "Flud," which houses my Reader RSS feeds. I just read your and Suz's post today.

I'm really glad that you are doing bar-back now. I think you told me that they work you pretty hard. A couple of weeks ago Zil and I went to this Irish pub in town called "JJ Dolans." It was there that I first reconized a bar-back and could imagine you doing it, and liking it.

I like your conclusions regarding what is most important, and that being relationships. Something I've been learning from one of my mentors is to always choose relationships over work, ministry, money, etc. This is something that I find difficult to do in our culture. We've all heard sermons on the matter. The other day though, six days ago actually, I had been thinking about my relationships. I posted to Twitter that I was especially grateful "for the few who know truly know me, and whom I truly know." I had been thinking about how many people really know me, and whom I can be around, without pretense, fronts or any particular precautions. You are one of them. I have another friend here who I made recently, and that's about it for people on the island. I am wondering if I am supposed to find more who are like you, or if we only get several in our lifetime, maybe even at different points and not all at the same time.

Anyway, this comment is too long, and basically I just wanted to say: I'm with you, Ming. Forevz.