Sunday, September 4, 2011


Trying out the new B-spot layout.  Seems nice.

A man that plays trumpet in the worship team at church gave me some advice today.  He said to "Stay in line."

I was telling him about some of my post graduation ideas.  Maybe moving to VC or NY.  Or remaining in Denver and trying to break in to the film scene here.  And his statement was meant to encourage me to remain in a place until I have attained what I am looking for.  Otherwise I may never attain it.

Because people get restless.  Move around.  Loose their so called "Place in line."  And never really attain what they are looking for.

But the people who stay, they move up simply because other people "Leave their place in line."  So maybe you are talented, maybe you have something to offer, but a lot of the time you get where you want in a career because you stick it out.  You wait your turn.

This scares me a little.  I kind of like being a vagabond.  I have been in Denver only two years, and already want to do some more moving and shaking.  It would be nice to stay here, but i am afraid of falling in to a routine.  Becoming complacent.

But at the same time remaining could help me achieve some form of success in life, so that i could afford to travel.  Afford to be a little restless.

Maybe I will find a happy medium in this.  Savor my youth and be a little irresponsible.  And then find my place in line.  Someplace I know I will be happy for 10, 15, 20 years.  Maybe i don't need to find my place right now.  Maybe I can take my ticket in 5.


asdf said...

Your reflection on people who attain because they stay is interesting. Maybe I'm some what of an example of that - not that I've already attained it (did you notice I just quoted Paul in Philippians?) but that I feel some what established, at least career-wise. I've stayed here, technically received experience in my field, and subsequently have been given career oppourtunities at church and school. Maybe it also has something to do with showing commitment to the people and places you wish to work, like how people who intern at places they want to work at normally get the positions later because they have proven to show desirable qualities.

Regardless though, I like your conclusion.

Suz said...

Blargh. The grass is always greener over there Kev. Deep lasting stable relationships and absolute freedom to be as broke and in Europe don't go together so well. Mad Men is depressing. You do have too many girlfriends. And. Hey. I love you. And I really liked this post. Especially the idea that when we date to date we put a lot of pretense there and it makes for a more dramatic setting than just letting things occur. But you are real picky. Thats maybe good. Maybe you just have a sense. Which leads me to tell you that if you want a organically produced friendship (which I guess you may or may not want) with a girl you find attractive and interesting is gonna take maybe a lot of time. Or maybe very little time. But waiting for it is better than settling for less than you need. You know? And your people canceled tonight. So I just drank a beer very awkwardly with Jared and went home. Boooooo.