Friday, October 12, 2007

Where the Truth Lies

It is intense. I found truth with the crippled man begging for money on the promenade.

I have been approached countless times by these people with little index like cards on 3td St. Promenade. They ask if i am interested in any of the questions printed on the card, such questions as "Does God exist?", "Is there a spiritual world?, "Is there an afterlife?", and so on. Once i pick a question they then ask me what i think or believe about the chosen question. Despite my answer, they always invite me back to their "center" on 4th street to learn more.
I always try to start a conversation with these people, wanting to know what they are trying to get me into. It sounds like some sort of Christian group. Yet i always get the same response. They are reluctant to really share anything with me, but just kept insisting i go to watch the introduction video at the "center". Talking to more and more of them it started to sound like they are Christians, referring to the Bible and all, and so one day, when i did not have an excuse not to go, i went along with one of them to watch the introduction video.
Well. They are not Christian. They sure do talk a lot about the Bible, and the fall of man, and knowing God, but it is definitely not Christianity. It almost sounds like something the Anti-Christ has started, haha...but seriously.
They want me to make appointments to watch the video series that explains their beliefs, but i feel i have gotten enough from the intro video and from reading stuff on their website. It is interesting because this thing, which supposedly has expanded to other countries, was started right here in Santa Monica. Perhaps God wants me to bring an end to it...somehow.

Another interesting thing that goes on down on 3rd street is this group of Hindu like clad people singing and dancing and playing instruments of sorts. Interested in what exactly they were i stopped to talk to one of their group who was passing out pamphlets. He explained that they are worshiping God, which kind of struck me. Alex was with me and we explained that we were Christians, and i think he sort of tailored his speech to appeal to us. What he said sounded a lot like Christian beliefs, but after reading the little booklet he gave us, again, was shown the truth.

It is crazy, they say Satan works in cunning ways. I think these are prime examples of how people can be lead astray by things that sounds good, and are close to the truth, but are not the truth. So it surprised me where i found Jesus on the promenade.

I started reading in Acts again recently and i get so excited. It is the church's birth, and people coming to Christ because of the miracles being performed before their very eyes. And i began to wonder where that is in the church today. Why aren't there miraculous healings happening every day in the church for non-believers to see that the power of Christ is tangible and real? You hear of the occasional miracle, but not like the body of Christ in Acts. And then i thought of this man i see down on 3rd St. Promenade from time to time. He has crippled hands and a sign that explains that he needs money for surgery to fix the arthritis that as deformed him. I felt that God wanted me to pray for him...and i knew that God would heal him.
Alex and I went down to the promenade earlier this evening so he could check out some stuff at Barnes and Nobles and guess who we saw. The crippled man with his sign. As we walked in his direction i felt that familiar prodding of the Lord. God was telling me to pray for him. Of course i began to resist as usual. But as we walked past him i began to feel super convicted. It was as if God was saying "It appears you don't have faith in my healing power." So i turned to Alex and i asked him if he would like to pray for the man. Alex, surprisingly, was willing. So we turned around and approached the man and asked if we could pray for him.
It was the most amazing thing. It turned out the man, whose name is John, actually began to minister to us! He is a believer, and a very solid one at that. We had a nice long conversation about what it means to be a Christian, how Christians are now-a-days, and about miracles and having patience when it comes to the Lord. We did pray for him, i was shaking like usual when i know i am praying for what God wants me to, and i was really expecting his hands to straiten out right beneath my hands. That did not happen, but the encounter was definitely of God.

It is so crazy how you can go through life and find God in the least suspected place. It is also amazing how God can teach people about His character through a crippled man begging for money on the streets. It was a great experience for me, and i think it meant a lot to Alex too. I know i will be seeing John again in the future, and i look forward to having more conversations with him. I also know i will pray for him each time i see him. Perhaps God will heal him miraculously on 3rd St. and we can bring hundreds of people to Christ right there. But then again, perhaps God will listen to the prayers and send some money to John so he can get the surgery he needs. Either way, i know God is working, and it is all in his timing.

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Unknown said...

Session Start (landonlovenvoy:spacemanspifff1): Fri Oct 12 22:37:21 2007
[22:37] spacemanspifff1: o, hey, when did you get on?
[22:37] landonlovenvoy: hihihi
[22:37] landonlovenvoy: like 5 mins ago?
[22:37] spacemanspifff1: o. i see
[22:38] spacemanspifff1: just finished a long blog...need to go to bed
[22:38] landonlovenvoy: what are you doing?
[22:38] landonlovenvoy: oh isee
[22:38] landonlovenvoy: blogin
[22:38] landonlovenvoy: did you post?
[22:38] spacemanspifff1: flogin, blogin
[22:38] spacemanspifff1: yeah
[22:38] landonlovenvoy: oh neato
[22:38] landonlovenvoy: i am at home
[22:38] spacemanspifff1: nice.
[22:39] spacemanspifff1: kenny got his socks! haha
[22:39] landonlovenvoy: oh yeah that's what i herad
[22:39] landonlovenvoy: haha
[22:39] landonlovenvoy: are they like super thick?
[22:40] spacemanspifff1: uhh. not super. you should check them out
[22:40] landonlovenvoy: if you have time you should wait out the transfer
[22:40] spacemanspifff1: ok
[22:40] landonlovenvoy: if it goes through
[22:40] spacemanspifff1: you get my email?
[22:40] spacemanspifff1: sorry, text
[22:41] landonlovenvoy: what did it say?
[22:41] spacemanspifff1: about the permit
[22:41] landonlovenvoy: oh no
[22:41] landonlovenvoy: i didn
[22:41] landonlovenvoy: t
[22:41] spacemanspifff1: for real?
[22:41] spacemanspifff1: lame...we got the permit for the grand canyon!
[22:41] landonlovenvoy: oh nice!
[22:41] landonlovenvoy: woo
[22:42] spacemanspifff1: yeah man! see, i figured some of you must not of gotten it. cause no one responded. although kenny said he got it
[22:42] spacemanspifff1: i will let you know about the meals...i have to call. their email thing doesnt work
[22:43] spacemanspifff1: but i should go to bed
[22:44] landonlovenvoy: hey wait
[22:44] spacemanspifff1: yes?
[22:44] landonlovenvoy: i forgot to tell you
[22:44] landonlovenvoy: before i went to school today
[22:44] landonlovenvoy: i met these people, like a group of believers passing out cards or holding cards or somehting
[22:45] landonlovenvoy: they were cool and they invited me to hang out and kind of like visit their place or someething
[22:45] landonlovenvoy: and they showed me this video about their culture of christianity and what they are diong
[22:45] spacemanspifff1: ot even
[22:45] landonlovenvoy: i feel convicted to show it ZEO this sunday
[22:45] spacemanspifff1: not
[22:45] landonlovenvoy: yeah i like took the drink he gave me
[22:45] landonlovenvoy: and it was soooo cool
[22:45] spacemanspifff1: psh
[22:45] landonlovenvoy: but anway
[22:46] landonlovenvoy: i'll go read your blognow
[22:46] spacemanspifff1: lol
[22:46] landonlovenvoy: ?
[22:46] landonlovenvoy: haha nah, that's cool! that man you go to talk to
[22:46] spacemanspifff1: yeah dude. super good
[22:46] spacemanspifff1: john...
[22:47] landonlovenvoy: yeah that's neat
[22:47] landonlovenvoy: and that's so sketchy
[22:47] landonlovenvoy: the "others"
[22:47] spacemanspifff1: dude. check out their site... (Link:
[22:47] landonlovenvoy: omg they're gonna like spyware my computer and find meeeeeee
[22:48] spacemanspifff1: haha
[22:48] spacemanspifff1: they already have records on you actually...i asked them
[22:48] spacemanspifff1: your top threat
[22:48] landonlovenvoy: hahaha
[22:48] landonlovenvoy: they will be eliminated
[22:48] spacemanspifff1: it is really trippy. cause the use the word and everything
[22:49] spacemanspifff1: they
[22:49] landonlovenvoy: thou comest like an angel of light
[22:49] spacemanspifff1: yeah man...
[22:49] landonlovenvoy: FORGE
[22:49] spacemanspifff1: forge?
[22:49] landonlovenvoy: we will forge through them
[22:50] spacemanspifff1: o, yes
[22:50] landonlovenvoy: and conquer!
[22:50] spacemanspifff1: haha
[22:50] landonlovenvoy: or i've been watching too much LOTR again.
[22:50] spacemanspifff1: hah, perhaps
[22:50] landonlovenvoy: i'm making my brother watch it
[22:50] spacemanspifff1: haha, he hasnt seen it either!?
[22:50] landonlovenvoy: no one in my family has seen it
[22:50] landonlovenvoy: probably even extended
[22:51] spacemanspifff1: what!?
[22:51] landonlovenvoy: give or take 1 person
[22:51] spacemanspifff1: you guys are deprived...
[22:51] landonlovenvoy: we are not a very movie oriented house
[22:51] spacemanspifff1: lies
[22:51] spacemanspifff1: you have more pirated dvd's
[22:51] spacemanspifff1: than anyone i know
[22:51] landonlovenvoy: that is from a police officer friend
[22:51] landonlovenvoy: we do not touch those!
[22:52] spacemanspifff1: lol
[22:52] landonlovenvoy: haha, honest
[22:52] spacemanspifff1: he is trying to set you up for a sting operation
[22:52] landonlovenvoy: i knowwwwwwww. it's sad
[22:52] spacemanspifff1: burn the burned ones@
[22:52] spacemanspifff1: !
[22:52] landonlovenvoy: but whatev, we will conquer!!!!!!!!
[22:52] spacemanspifff1: forever
[22:52] landonlovenvoy: the light shall prevail
[22:52] spacemanspifff1: dude. kenny doesnt talk to me...i think he hates me!
[22:52] landonlovenvoy: he doesn't
[22:52] landonlovenvoy: ?
[22:53] spacemanspifff1: hah, nice little tack on question mark
[22:53] landonlovenvoy: haha what
[22:53] spacemanspifff1: o. i thought it was like "O? He doesnt hate you?"
[22:53] landonlovenvoy: haha
[22:54] spacemanspifff1: nah, i am just kidding "JK JK JK". but really. he doesnt type to me very much
[22:54] landonlovenvoy: oh, i'm afraid you're right
[22:54] spacemanspifff1: he didnt like my reptile dysfunction card...
[22:54] landonlovenvoy: [22:53] landonlovenvoy: dude i totally know you hate kevin
[22:53] draciel56: lol what?
[22:53] landonlovenvoy: tell me that you hate him
[22:53] landonlovenvoy: TELLLL MEEEEEEEEEE
[22:53] landonlovenvoy: TELL ME
[22:54] draciel56: o_O..
[22:54] spacemanspifff1: haha
[22:54] landonlovenvoy: he hates you, my dear friend
[22:55] spacemanspifff1: is that what "o_0.." means?
[22:55] landonlovenvoy: k but seriously, we need to form a like idk
[22:55] landonlovenvoy: cult or something
[22:55] spacemanspifff1: haha
[22:55] landonlovenvoy: no i'm not even joking
[22:55] landonlovenvoy: the best people you know
[22:55] landonlovenvoy: spirit-led
[22:55] landonlovenvoy: and freaking nice loving people
[22:55] landonlovenvoy: different attributes
[22:55] landonlovenvoy: and stuff,
[22:56] landonlovenvoy: we'll call ourselves: The Light
[22:56] spacemanspifff1: mom...uhhh...?
[22:56] landonlovenvoy: and just so happen we all love to gregorian chant
[22:56] landonlovenvoy: haha
[22:56] spacemanspifff1: haha
[22:56] spacemanspifff1: why not "The Gregs"?
[22:57] landonlovenvoy: because that would be SEXIST!
[22:57] spacemanspifff1: psh, whatever. i am calling it the gregs.
[22:57] landonlovenvoy: alright
[22:57] landonlovenvoy: the GregLights
[22:57] spacemanspifff1: gregolights!
[22:57] landonlovenvoy: the LIGHTORIANS
[22:57] spacemanspifff1: and we dress like monks?
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy:
[22:58] landonlovenvoy: THE LIGHTORIEANS!
[22:58] spacemanspifff1: haha
[22:58] landonlovenvoy: HE SHALL PREVAIL!!!!!!!!!!
[22:58] spacemanspifff1: FORGE!
[22:58] landonlovenvoy: CONQUER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:59] spacemanspifff1: OVERCOME!!!!
[22:59] landonlovenvoy: DESSSSSSSSTROOOOOYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!
[22:59] spacemanspifff1: LOOOOOOTTTTT!!!!!!!!
[22:59] landonlovenvoy: L3333333333333777!!!!!!
[22:59] spacemanspifff1: WHAT!!!!????
[23:00] landonlovenvoy: SHOOOOWWWDOOOOOWWWWNNNN
[23:00] spacemanspifff1: THROWDOWN!
[23:00] landonlovenvoy: KILLLINN" LIKE IT"S MO-TOWN!!!!!!!
[23:01] spacemanspifff1: lol! that will be our saying forever..."Showdown, Throwdown, Killin Like Its Mowtown!
[23:01] spacemanspifff1: "
[23:01] landonlovenvoy: haha
[23:02] spacemanspifff1: yes!
[23:02] landonlovenvoy: we shall most and sweep the west of the night up with the stars that decend upon the easts awakening
[23:02] landonlovenvoy: move*
[23:02] spacemanspifff1: lol
[23:03] landonlovenvoy: and surely, the Light shall bring darkness to it's kneeeeeeeeeezzzzzzz
[23:03] spacemanspifff1: what is that from?
[23:03] landonlovenvoy: my brainz
[23:03] landonlovenvoy: haha idk, is that from something?
[23:04] spacemanspifff1: haha, for real? even the west of night stars part?
[23:04] spacemanspifff1: LANDON!
[23:04] landonlovenvoy: yeah
[23:04] landonlovenvoy: yes yes
[23:04] spacemanspifff1: DUDE!!!!
[23:04] landonlovenvoy: whahwhath?
[23:04] spacemanspifff1: FREAK!!!!!!
[23:04] landonlovenvoy: hahahah!?!??!?!
[23:05] spacemanspifff1: i need to go to bed...
[23:05] landonlovenvoy: YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[23:05] landonlovenvoy: wait, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[23:05] spacemanspifff1: lol!
[23:05] landonlovenvoy: so much commotion
[23:05] spacemanspifff1: i am glad your computer is saving this
[23:05] landonlovenvoy: me tooooooooooooooo
[23:06] landonlovenvoy: it'll appear once more and the decendants of the north shall gaze upon such and fade into the dark moons eve
[23:06] spacemanspifff1: did you make that up too?
[23:06] landonlovenvoy: yes sir
[23:06] spacemanspifff1: dang dude. good job.
[23:07] landonlovenvoy: haha, yeah i ghost wrote for Tolkien
[23:07] spacemanspifff1: lol
[23:07] landonlovenvoy: i'm exited to read the HOBBIT! but i must do more studyinnnggg.g.g
[23:07] spacemanspifff1: dude. yes. let me know when you start
[23:07] landonlovenvoy: iwilll
[23:08] spacemanspifff1: alright. i should go.
[23:08] landonlovenvoy: alright
[23:08] spacemanspifff1: i never made a scene. they came to me
[23:08] landonlovenvoy: sleep now, oh son of john mark and dream on the great suns horizon while the west wind still moves like the knights templar
[23:09] spacemanspifff1: hahaha...
[23:09] landonlovenvoy: fadest amongst the east moon, my dear friem
[23:09] spacemanspifff1: moves like the knights templar?
[23:09] landonlovenvoy: friend
[23:09] landonlovenvoy: yes! the moved fast!
[23:09] landonlovenvoy: you never made a scene?
[23:09] spacemanspifff1: well, on occasion
[23:10] spacemanspifff1: cause we're all guilty of the same things
[23:10] landonlovenvoy: whilst thy presence remains, might one beckon of reason?
[23:11] landonlovenvoy: what is thy intention and swift moves of lips? is it not do deceive?
[23:11] spacemanspifff1: Thou spongey shard-borne gudgeon!
[23:11] landonlovenvoy: hahaha that website
[23:11] landonlovenvoy: i was trying to find it
[23:11] spacemanspifff1: lol
[23:11] landonlovenvoy: but i failed
[23:11] landonlovenvoy: something about being crusty?
[23:11] landonlovenvoy: all i remember
[23:12] spacemanspifff1: yeah dude. i cant remember that really good one
[23:12] landonlovenvoy: that was a clever one!
[23:12] spacemanspifff1: (Link:
[23:13] spacemanspifff1: YES! [Thou art] already dead. stabbed with a white wench's black eye, run through the ear with a love song, the very pin of [thy] heart cleft with the blind bow-boy's butt shaft.
[23:13] spacemanspifff1: not the one, but good
[23:13] landonlovenvoy: omg
[23:13] landonlovenvoy: butt shaft??!?!?!!
[23:13] landonlovenvoy: omgomgomgomggomg
[23:14] landonlovenvoy: to me typing 'omg' seems girly and vulnerable
[23:14] spacemanspifff1: Your virginity breeds mites, much like a cheese.
[23:14] spacemanspifff1: for real
[23:14] landonlovenvoy: hahah CHEEEESEEE
[23:14] landonlovenvoy: SUZIE!
[23:14] landonlovenvoy: she's going to read this
[23:14] spacemanspifff1: LOL!!
[23:15] spacemanspifff1: hahahaha
[23:15] landonlovenvoy: hahaha what a happy face
[23:15] landonlovenvoy: haha haha
[23:15] landonlovenvoy: so happy
[23:15] spacemanspifff1: this is like a true insult...
[23:15] spacemanspifff1: If thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool; for wise men know well enough what monsters you make of them.
[23:16] landonlovenvoy: oh harsh!
[23:16] spacemanspifff1: LOL [You] live in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,
Stew'd in corruption, honeying and making love ove the nasty sty!
[23:16] landonlovenvoy: ew
[23:16] spacemanspifff1: whores in my bed
[23:16] landonlovenvoy: oh dude, today for devos in my class, i spoke of ezekiel 16:30-31
[23:16] landonlovenvoy: i think?
[23:16] spacemanspifff1: hah, you think?
[23:16] landonlovenvoy: it was about being a whore
[23:17] spacemanspifff1: o yeah, how did that go?
[23:17] landonlovenvoy: i think that was the scripture?
[23:17] landonlovenvoy: but it was like almost emotional for me
[23:17] spacemanspifff1: for real?
[23:17] landonlovenvoy: yeah so strange
[23:17] spacemanspifff1: i told you working the streets of wahiawa would get to you
[23:17] landonlovenvoy: cause i woke up and that verse was in my head and God was pushing me to speak of it today
[23:17] spacemanspifff1: o yeah?
[23:17] landonlovenvoy: i know...ohh california
[23:18] spacemanspifff1: so just cause God put i on your heart? or was there more to it?
[23:19] landonlovenvoy: idk
[23:19] landonlovenvoy: i guess he was speaking to me
[23:19] landonlovenvoy: and possibly some in the class?
[23:19] spacemanspifff1: how did it apply to you?
[23:19] landonlovenvoy: you should read it
[23:19] landonlovenvoy: here:
[23:20] spacemanspifff1: i got it, if that was the right verse you said earlier
[23:20] landonlovenvoy: yeah it was
[23:20] landonlovenvoy: what version did you pick up?
[23:21] spacemanspifff1: NIV. dude...thats an intense passage. like, reading on
[23:21] landonlovenvoy: yeah seriously!
[23:21] landonlovenvoy: the opening for my version said
[23:22] landonlovenvoy: " How lovesick is your heart" declares the LORD
[23:22] landonlovenvoy: that was intense for me
[23:22] spacemanspifff1: o yeah?
[23:23] landonlovenvoy: yeah
[23:23] landonlovenvoy: OH! dude i forgot to tell you
[23:23] landonlovenvoy: what you told me earlier about you reading ACTS
[23:23] landonlovenvoy: is what this pastor spoke to us about in chapel yesterday
[23:23] spacemanspifff1: o yeah?
[23:23] landonlovenvoy: and in fact for j12 this weekend i'm going to talk about their like potential
[23:24] landonlovenvoy: the power that God has given them
[23:24] spacemanspifff1: you were telling me about that
[23:24] landonlovenvoy: YYUUUHH
[23:24] spacemanspifff1: did the pastor talk about the holy spirit and stuff too?
[23:24] landonlovenvoy: yeah
[23:25] spacemanspifff1: dude. next time we talk on the phone you should tell me more about that
[23:25] spacemanspifff1: well. i really need to go
[23:26] spacemanspifff1: i will talk to you later
[23:26] landonlovenvoy: haha
[23:26] spacemanspifff1: and i will pray for your message for j12
[23:26] landonlovenvoy: GOOD NIGHT dearl friend
[23:26] landonlovenvoy: thanks
[23:26] spacemanspifff1: BUENOS NOCHES MI HERMANO
[23:26] landonlovenvoy: jajajajajaja
[23:26] landonlovenvoy: adios
[23:26] landonlovenvoy: gato!
[23:26] landonlovenvoy: jajajajaja
[23:26] landonlovenvoy: adios
[23:27] spacemanspifff1: jaja, tu loco
[23:27] spacemanspifff1: in la cabeza
[23:27] spacemanspifff1: hasta luego!
[23:27] landonlovenvoy: in the bed?
[23:27] landonlovenvoy: goodnight!
[23:27] spacemanspifff1: head!
[23:27] *** "spacemanspifff1" signed off at Fri Oct 12 23:27:24 2007.

Chris Massad said...

there is no way i can win the longest comment award but i will say that it was really cool to hear your story about john...i'm totally like you, when it's a God-thing, I shake too...thanks for the conversation tonight, it was really awesome, talk to you tonight hopefully!

Chris Massad said...

hey man, sorry I didn't get to call tonight...I ended up sitting in service which I wasn't originally planning on doing and then afterwards we went to Shige's and I thought it would be too late to call after...sorry man, but I still love you lots! you send me! :)

Unknown said...

how am i paul? the new hope book mark is going through acts also! and in ZEO and ETHOS we are talking about malachi and the book mark is there too! strange!

i believe it is luke. you are luke?! oh great physician! also we are companions!

Unknown said...

what hast thou hidden in thy comment? answer THEE.

how was the ceremony?

Unknown said...

ahah! i'm looking forward to that: THE ACTS of chinese waters team! (prolly consisting of just you and i for awhile, maybe wives?! maybe your wife...and my like, idk waterproof backpack?..kind of like a wife. haha)

we need to think of a team name.

ashley. said...

yesyes, life is definitely expansive - good word, haha.
no, that is a nick drake song. almost all my titles & posts that are lyrical are lyrics. haha, i am not creative, but i listen to people that are.

ashley. said...

i just read that entire aim conversation & i was laughing so hard. hahaha, i don't have anything to say but that.
& that wives certainly could be like waterproof backpacks, haha.

Hye Sung Francis said...

It's Unificationist. They interpret the Bible into more practical terms, also they don't believe Jesus Christ is God, but they do believe he was the savior.