Sunday, September 30, 2007

To All My Friends

I delight in you. I am not sure i have ever said this before, but i really do delight in our friendship. I delight in spending time with you. This is why i spend so many waking ours on the computer, because i miss being able to spend time with you. It is why i use too many of Landon's cell phone minutes, because i get so caught up in talking with you that i forget i am doing it on his dime. One of my greatest joys in life is being able to hang out and have conversations with you, whether deep or shallow, because i delight in being with you.

Part of this i believe is because we can relate on a level that not everyone can. We know Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior, and because of this deeper knowledge of life we can relate in a way that is more real and authentic. There is nothing holding us back from true friendship. And because of this i know you will understand when i tell you that we won't be able spend as much time with each other from now on.

I feel i have neglected God. As much as i delight in you, i want to delight in Him all the more. I want to delight in Him upon my waking, and upon my sleeping. I want to delight in the fact that He is present through out my day, walking beside me and guiding me. As funny as this sounds, it is because i delight in Him more than i delight in you. And i love how i can tell you this and you will in no way feel upset or jealous, because you delight in Him more than you delight in me too. And i love how i don't have to explain why this is, because you understand, and i love how you understand. It is why this whole deeper relationship thing is so beautiful.

So i may not be on AIM as much from now on. I may not frequent my Facebook quite as often. I may not reply as quickly to E-mails and Blogspot comments. And forgive me if i do not initiate the phone calls all the time. Because i am going to be with God. I am going to be delighting in His presence more than i ever have before. And i want to give Him my undivided attention.



Unknown said...

floating around, haha dude, today after class i was craving the ocean again. it's weird because i don't feel like i've missed out on all of the times you guys went to the beach. i feel that this is the way it is supposed to be, a weird self discovery or something.

haha i really spend a lot of time looking for the right picture, like sometimes 15 or so minutes. it always annoys me when i have the perfect one, but they make it so you can't copy it, like spacegif or something.

i'll try call tomorrow!

Unknown said...

oh and -

when i read this i felt a sort of sadness. i felt aligned with the tone of my uncles life when he said that all of his friends are gone and now he only has family. he told me that everybody leaves and goes off to do their own thing, i felt sadness then too.

but that sadness was mixed with a joy that we are dancing with God, like together and and by ourselves and falling more in love with Him.

i am really glad that you are taking your life and throwing it across the line towards Him. i wish all of us would have the courage to do that.

ashley. said...

hola mi hermano kevin.
a veces, no conozco la palabras que necesito para usted saber mi amor para usted.

Unknown said...

uhgm, kevin. now that al and suz have deciphered your secret bspot post we need to have a talk.............................
......i'm so pizzed..............
i thought you were declaring your
luvv for meeeehh.................


John said...

Life can be a period of constant prayer and communion, one that allows the moment to happen and understands that the current effect may not be understood until later. I hit my point, and until I understood that, well, I was harder on myself than I needed to be, expecting and anticipating something rather than being as the lily of the field, living in God's love.

Sorry, that sounded profound.

Ummm, party on, dude?

Kevin Foward said...

Yeah. I was hard on myself for a while and it hurt my relationship with the Lord. But the thought of delighting in God set me free. It is indeed great to bask in his light...dude.

suz said...


Unknown said...

haha, look what i found!

a prophetic website?

or maybe you found a wife with two kids really fast!

ashley. said...

good title change, haha.
this post will reign in INFAMY.

mmmmm, adrien brody & nozie!
i'm so j.

suz has lan.
you have noelle.
& i am stuck in washington with ummmmmmmmmm apples.