Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More than Deism

We had our first bible study tonight.

One of the staff guys from Christian Challenge named Cliff called me up last week wanting to know if i was interested in a possible bible study. So Alex and I met up with him, another staff guy whose name escapes me, and Mark last Wednesday night at 7 to get some hamburgers and get to know one another. Mark is another freshman at SMC who i found out has been attending the same church as me. He plays volleyball ladies. It was cool hanging out and getting to know them, they all seem like good, Godly men.

So we decided that we were all free on Wednesday nights at 7 and that we would continue to meet and have a weekly bible study. We met at the school cafeteria tonight and it looks like we will be meeting there from now on. It is cool because we are able to be a witness to our fellow students, instead of just having it at Starbucks or something. Cliff led the discussion which was entitled "Concept of God" and dealt with good biblical truths about God. It was a good time and i got to know the other guys hearts a little better.

But, above all, the best thing of the night was that i got to talk to Alex afterwards about something that came up during the bible study. He really opened up about some stuff that had been going on in his life and effecting his relationship with the Lord and i was able to pray with him. It was a really big step forward in our friendship and it is cool how God used this new bible study to bring it about.


asdf said...

I've always wanted a friend named cliff. ever since boy meets world prolly, that cool guy in the leather jacket.

that's cool that you get to be a part of a solid community of believers again, i bet your starved of that!

have you found the group of people that are waiting for you yet? (prophecy by auntie patty)

ashley. said...

awwww, that's really cool about alex! that made my heart swell.

suz said...

cliff was bad news lan. im glad alex is becoming more of a bro. gotcho letter. i laughed and cried a little. i was bummed to see you were not attached though. heheheheheheheehz! i will write you a sunrise letter at camp and expalin crap.

its crazy how He provides huh? errrrything we need.